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Jester King


Fantôme Del Rey

Fantôme Del Rey


Regular price ¥4,420
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Farmhouse Ale with Belgian Candi Sugar, Coriander, Black Peppercorns & Truffle Honey

アルコール度数/ABV: 8.8%


Fantôme del Rey is a farmhouse ale brewed with Belgian candi sugar, coriander, black peppercorns, & truffle honey in collaboration with Brasserie Fantôme in Soy, Belgium. We first brewed Fantôme del Rey with the legendary brewer Dany Prignon on a trip to Belgium in 2014. Fantôme del Rey was brewed with Hill Country well water, Texas-grown barley and wheat malt from TexMalt, organic Fuggles hops, Belgian candi sugar, coriander, and black peppercorns. It was fermented in stainless steel with our mixed culture, then re-fermented with truffle honey. We naturally conditioned it for four months in green bottles.

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