Jackie O's
Vanilla & Coffee Bourbon Barrel Dark Apparition
Vanilla & Coffee Bourbon Barrel Dark Apparition
Russian Imperial Stout Conditioned on Vanilla and Coffee Beans (Bourbon Barrel-Aged)
アルコール度数/ABV: 12.8%
麦芽: 二条大麦、ミュンヒェナーモルト、スペシャルB、ハニーモルト、ブラックモルト、チョコレートモルト、ロースティッドバーレイ
Malt: 2-Row, Munich, Special B, Honey Malt, Black Malt, Chocolate Malt, Roasted Barley
副原料: 黒糖、バニラ豆、コーヒー豆
Adjuncts: Brown Sugar, Vanilla Beans, Coffee Beans
The hauntingly good brew in your hand is rife with dark complexities. A monolithic maltiness and decadent notes of dark chocolate, toasted caramel, and molasses have made this hallowed stout a cult classic for the ages. After being awakened from its long slumber in bourbon barrels, this Dark Apparition was charged with locally roasted coarse ground coffee and vanilla beans to create a decadent, otherworldly brew. Pour into your favorite snifter and give it time to warm up from its dark, cool resting place.